What are the opening hours of Mitralis DC?

We are open from 08.00AM to 5PM every day Monday-Friday. You can find further information about how to contact us and our two sites on our contactpage.

I would like to see a certain doctor, is that possible?

Mitralis DC works together with various doctors, so it is not always possible to schedule your consultation with a specific doctor. We will, however, always do our best to provide you with the best possible service.

Can I contact Mitralis for blood screenings?

Mitralis DC is not the right point of contact for blood screenings, but in Kerkrade you may reach the Zuyderland clinic for blood screenings via the main entrance to the Roda stadium. In Hoensbroek, you can visit the Zuyderland in the Adelante building for blood tests.

Will my health insurance pay for my consultation with Mitralis?

Yes, in the majority of cases your health insurance will bear the cost of your consultation at Mitralis DC. However, be aware of the obligatory percentage excess. If you are unsure whether your health insurance will cover your consultation, please contact your health insurance provider directly.

How much does a consultation at Mitralis cost?

Mitralis DC uses certain rates for the consultations. These can be found on this website.

Can I come without a referral?

No, it is not possible to get a consultation without being referred to us by your GP. Mitralis DC only carries out consultations that have been ordered by a GP.

I have a question about the consultations at Mitralis: Can I speak to the doctor that saw me for my consultation?

If you have questions after your consultation or about its results, we recommend that you refer to your GP. They will have further information. If your GP wants to further consult one of our doctors, he will contact Mitralis. Unfortunately, it is not possible for you to contact our doctors directly.

What does the labelling requirement for children entail?

Parents must have a valid ID or passport for their children when they come for consultation or treatment. Contrary to the general labelling requirement, the health industry does not have any age restrictions. You are required to be able to identify yourself from birth.

I have a question about the invoice I have received, who can I speak to?

We have outsourced our invoice creation. If you have a question about an invoice you have received, you can contact the creator that you received the invoice from. In most cases, this will be your health insurance provider.

I want to make a complaint or leave feedback.

If not everything was to your satisfaction, please let us know. You can find our complaint form here.

Want to make an appointment?

You can call us on 045 – 8 200 100 to make an appointment (Mon-Fri from 8AM to 5PM).  


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